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Your gift will help us deliver.
A  donation will make it possible for us to remain steadfast in bringing services and building meaningful connections on which more than 1,000 older adults have come to rely on and trust.
Donors like you make our mission possible: to help seniors and people with disabilities maintain their independence and continue living in their homes. 

Donate to Help At Your Door using Venmo. To get started, visit our profile and sign into your account.


Clients Served

Food Deliveries

Rides Given

Help At Your Door is committed to respecting the privacy of its donors. We use industry-standard safeguards to maintain the highest level of confidentiality concerning our donors’ contact and financial information. This privacy policy was developed to ensure our donors that their information will not be sold, shared, or traded with any other entity. Donor information is used for internal purposes only and is kept confidential.
