Since our nonprofit organization’s founding, more than 30 years ago, we’ve been helping people age at home through our Grocery Assistance Service. As many know, our deliveries not only provide nourishment, but also a friendly check-in and help with the extras, whether that be opening jars or putting freezer items away.

Changes to our organization over this past year have indicated a new way of thinking about how we can help seniors embrace aging and live independently in their homes. Committed to ensuring the well-being of our clients, we expanded our offerings and refined our strategies — placing an emphasis on providing services that were often hard to come by and costly for those that we serve.

The addition of Home Support and Transportation Services to our offerings helps our clients remain healthy, active, and independent. Our Home Support Service is more than just repair work; it keeps your home or that of a loved one’s in good condition — whether that  be by landscaping or changing smoke detectors. The same holds true for our Transportation Service. It is not just about making sure appointments are kept, but also gives our clients a way to venture out and stay connected with their communities.

Our new services, just like our Grocery Assistance, will continue to go the extra mile, providing a friendly hand to help our clients stay in their homes.

Karen Cotch, Executive Director

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