Last week, Help At Your Door bid farewell to a cherished client, Doris Washington. She peacefully passed away on Sunday, April 14, 2024, at the remarkable age of 108, leaving behind a legacy of resilience and strength. Like many people her age, Doris outlived most of her friends and needed the support of others to help her remain independent. We at Help At Your Door would like to celebrate her life as one well-lived.

One can only imagine all that she has experienced during her lifetime. In 1915, the First World War was underway. Lack of electricity and indoor plumbing was common, and women didn’t have the right to vote. As a Black woman, Doris faced racial segregation and the ongoing fight for rights. She took historical and personal changes in stride, with her actions and words reflecting the compassionate person she was.


We have had the privilege of serving Doris for a decade. Despite some health challenges in her later years, Doris remained one of our kindest clients. Our visits with Doris were not just about providing a service; they were about connection. We laughed and shared stories – Doris was more than a client to us; she was a friend.


A few years ago, Doris shared her experience with our organization to help spread awareness of our services. She stated, “Everyone at Help At Your Door that I’ve dealt with has been a pleasure. I look forward to every interaction. I just love getting to chat and share stories with everyone. I truly believe staying in contact with people has helped keep my spirits up.”


We’ll miss you, Doris – you will always hold a special place in our hearts.
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